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“Well done, good and faithful slave!”

Receive – Remember – Respond

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Share your master’s joy!’ ” Matt. 25:21 HCSB

Jesus shared this parable of the talents to his followers over 2000 years ago. He stills calls us to follow Him today.

We should long to hear God’s praise, receive His promotion, and partake in His joy! That’s His promise, if we respond to His calling.

Let’s be faithful to God in whatever capacity we’re at. Whatever you might own, or earn; it doesn’t matter. Be faithful to God in the handling of it. Remember, all good things come from Him, and we should manage well what we’re given.

If we acknowledge that all our time, our talents, and our treasure come from the Lord, and we’re being a faithful steward of them, we will experience great joy!

 “Well done!

I will put you in charge of many things.

Come share in My joy!”

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