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“I have the right to do anything” you say.

Receive – Remember – Respond

” I have the right to do anything”, you say- but everything is not beneficial.” 1 Cor. 10:23 HCSB

We have much freedom in this country. We are truly blessed as people to live as free as we do. But, with that freedom, comes responsibility and self-control.

Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should! Our human nature is sinful and we will pursue things not of God.

We need a moral compass to guide us, a foundation to build our lives on. God created us in His image to live according to His ways. He knows best and desires for us to know Him and walk with Him.

God offers a plan to renew our lives and restore the relationship He intended us to have. That plan is His Son – Jesus!

Recognize your waywardness and realize God loves you.

Repent from your ways and trust in God’s.

Receive His Son into your heart and life.

Renew your life through Jesus and believe in His sacrifice.

Restore the relationship God intended for you.

Rejoice in what the Lord has done and live for Him!

“I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” John 10:10 HCSB

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